Six Step Coaching Process

Our Coaching Process

  • 1. Gather data

    As a client, you’ll complete an intake and triage questionnaire.

  • 2. Understand & explore

    I’ll review your intake forms and reach out if any additional information is needed to be gathered.

  • 3. Strategize & plan

    Goal setting time! We’ll hold a kickoff meeting to review your intake forms together, identify your strengths and limiting factors, and decide what you’re ready, willing, and able to do.

  • 4. Choose & test

    During this meeting we’ll identify the small daily practices and skills needed to reach your goals. We will anticipate and prepare for obstacles together.

  • 5. Observe & monitor

    You’ll leave our kickoff meeting with clear, actionable steps you can take to help you reach your goal. You’ll implement the plan we formed together.

  • 6. Analyze & evaluate

    Each week you’ll complete a weekly virtual check-in rating how the week went. You’ll reflect on bright spots and anticipate any future obstacles we can plan for together.

    I provide feedback, guidance, education, and support via email.

    We continually cycle through steps three-six to build the skills needed to help you reach your goal.

    At the end of each month we’ll hold a zoom call to collaborate on your goals, tweak where needed, and plan for the upcoming month.