Hi there, Iā€™m Mary!

As someone who struggled with an eating disorder for well over a decade, nutrition has permeated my life for as long as I can remember. A decade ago, I realized undereating and overtraining were sabotaging my health journey. I started down the slow road, first to improve my relationship with food and then to learn how to use it to fuel my body. Through this transformation, I became passionate about helping others find a balanced approach to nutrition; not one that offers quick fixes or the latest fads. And, Your Terms Nutrition was formed.  

My program focuses on your health goals. I encourage you to think about how your consumption choices make you feel while allowing you to live life on your terms. I combine 12 years of education and behavioral modification with a passion for fitness and holistic health to help guide clients towards their goals.  

When I became a new parent, my world was rocked by a lack of sleep, overwhelm from the demands of new parenthood, and loss of identity as I transitioned away from being a full-time teacher to being a full-time at home parent. Pair that with entering a world-wide pandemic, and welcoming a second child into our lives 18 months later and stress was at an all time high while sleep was at an all time low. My stress bucket was OVERFLOWING. I realized the impact that my ability to manage stress and recovery had on my own health and happiness as well as the health and happiness of those around me. Through small daily actions, I learned how to manage my stress bucket to keep life on my terms. I want to help others do the same. 

I am a Kansas City based mom of 2, 10-year elementary special education teacher, specializing in behavioral modification, turned coach. My goal is to share and show you how mindful eating, connecting food to your body, and managing stress can help you live life on Your Terms.