The Simplest way to eat better

Man, I wish I had figured this out waaaaay earlier. And to be honest, I’m still a work in progress. So, let's dive into this whole journey of healthier eating together.

Here's the real scoop: it's not just about what's on our plate, but how we savor it that truly counts.

I've had my moments, pondering:

"Is snacking ruining my diet?"

"Do I really need that post-gym protein hit?"

"Is intermittent fasting the answer?"

"Are artificial sweeteners the solution?"

It's a tangled web out there, isn't it?

But hold on a sec—let's flip the script. These questions about snacking, protein, intermittent fasting, and artificial sweeteners? They're not really the heart of the matter. It's not about finding quick-fix solutions to these queries. Instead, it's about embracing a few simple practices that can genuinely shift how we approach eating.

It's not just about the food choices or portion sizes —though they do matter. It's really about embracing the art of slowing down and truly relishing every bite. Ugh. I know. Hard.

But let me fill you in on some things I wish I had known sooner. Our bodies take their sweet time, around 20 minutes, to signal, "Okay, we're good." Slowing down gives those signals a chance to catch up, so we don't overshoot the mark.

And when we take our time with each bite? It's like stumbling upon a happy little moment in every mouthful {insert Bob Ross painting a serene mountain scape here}. You end up feeling content, not constantly craving more.

But let's be real...

Slowing down? It's hard. Why are we wired to just want to hurry hurry hurry?

(Seriously, as you can see, I'm right there wrestling with this too.)

So, what's the plan? Well, here is mine:


Embrace the stumbles.

Need some ideas? Here are a few I'm playing with—maybe they'll help you too.

Remove technology: Tune out distractions and tune into the meal.

Breathe and Bite: Before the meal begins, take a breath. One bite, another breath. Keep that rhythm.

Time's Your Buddy: Add a minute to each mealtime. Slowly build up that pace.

Between Bites Break: Put the fork down, have a sip, maybe a chat. Anything to pause between bites.

Savor Every Flavor: Engage those senses. Taste, feel, and truly enjoy every morsel.

Spot the Triggers: Even background noise can rush us. Try a playlist, around 20 minutes, designed for a leisurely meal.

Let's take this journey together, being gentle with ourselves along the way. It's not about nailing it perfectly; it's about finding those tiny ways to slow down and really appreciate the joy of eating. Here's to savoring every moment, embracing the process, and discovering a healthier, more mindful way to enjoy our meals!


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